A summer FULL of plenty of SUNSHINE!!! There is no way i could catch up with all we did this summer, but i've included a few pics here, along with our list of great memories from this summer season!
- First and foremost PHILMONT!!! What a fantastic experience for the whole family. It must be what heaven, or living in Zion, would feel like. We benefited so very much from wonderful experiences & training. And by rubbing shoulders with great people - here's a few pics with the general primary presidency & the general young men's presidency which presided over & taught us often during the week. oh, and Isaac returning in honor from his 5 day mountain hike through NM!! His passage into manhood - or at least the right to drive & date ;).
-the Joy is in the Journey!!! That's what we found as we crossed the country visiting my parents in Michigan, visiting Winter Quarters on the long trek West (we picked up a couple pioneer girls here), LOVING our visit with our dear family in Utah, part of which followed us one more night to enjoy Arches - what a TREAT!!!- to arrive finally in New Mexico, 3,000 miles later. (we'd had an oil change the week before, did that mean we needed another already?)
-Believe it or not, after all this wonder, joy, and excitement, returning home was better than Disneyland! We couldn't WAIT to arrive after 2,000 mile drive back!! Our goat had delivered twin babies while we were gone (with the help of our friend), a new batch of baby bunnies, we couldn't wait to sleep in our own beds after nearly a month and our new house had been completely unveiled, cleaned, and prepared for our move-in!!! (more pics later, but this is the kids at the new counter ;)
Other highlights of the summer!: Isaac becoming a Priest, Emily & Anna's friend being baptized to become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!, girl's camp!, moving into our new home!, visits from G&G Hoffman, Clayton Hoffman Clan, the Millar's, and the Maxwell's & G&G Cooper, visiting Maxwell's in Kennett to see Wendy, John, and Michael in live performance and sooo much more!!! It could take a whole journal to record our summer but this will have to suffice. Enjoy the memories with us! And on to autumn time!!!
Love, C