Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Just a Quick Brag..I mean BLOG!!

As a Mom I could NOT hold back from bragging, I mean boasting, no.. I mean BLOGGING about Isaac tonight! He performed his first ever solo as part of Curtin Middle School choir tonight. It was exceptional!!! He stood firm and fine, and didn't flinch - even I could not see any nerves before his solo. It was from one of his favorite songs "Grown Up Christmas Wish" - we love the Michael Buble version. What a fun experience for him and we were proud of his contribution to the choir performance this evening. Way to go Isaac! Emily and Anna were our beautiful 7th grade jewels on stage tonight - we LOVED seeing them sing as well! The Williamsport School District music concerts (band, orchestra, and choir) are amazing - we feel grateful for it!


Kari said...

Great job Issac, Anna, and Emily!!! wish I could have been there!!!!


Erica said...

Yea!!!! I wish I could have seen them!

Anonymous said...

merry christmas hoffman crew. camarie, please privately send me your address for holiday cards. jorge is doing a hand fellow in boston. we're moving in june. how close will we be?