What a fantastic weekend for the Hoffmans! Isaac, Emily, and Anna and their friends and teachers successfully performed "Beauty and the Beast"! It was AWESOME!! We LOVED it!!! It was an exceptional production! It was especially exciting for us to witness Isaac unleashed as Gaston on stage! WOW! It was way too fun to see him make Gaston bigger than life on stage! He did a GREAT job of it! It was especially fun for him to play enemy to his best friend at school, Josh, who played the beast, along with other great friends playing Cogsworth, Lumierre and Chip - they all did FANTASTICALLY! Way too much ENTERTAINMENT!!! We were so grateful for the support of FAMILY and friends as Grandpa and Grandma Cooper, Maxwells, Laws, YW, Kara and a few others joined us for the play!
Saturday we played up Marisa's 12 year old birthday! Dearly beloved cousin and niece we LOVED having her and family here for the day! We ended up breaking in the barn with birthday decor and PARTY there! Precious, wonderful memories all weekend long!!!
P.S. We'll post pics of Isaac, Emily, and Anna in the play when we receive them from Kristi.
We wished we could have been there! We saw a part of the play on the Maxwell's blog. WAY TO GO ISAAC! I can't believe you! You were awesome. Cooper and Landon just watched it over and over again! Love you all!
The play really was great. I was very impressed with what a good production they put on for Jr High aged kids. Isaac ROCKED the stage! It was so fun to see him as one of the stars and all the girls "Swooning" over him!
That was an AWESOME weekend!!!! Anna, Emily, and Isaac were AMAZING!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!
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