Monday, August 11, 2008

Isaac's New Fourwheeler!!!

Exciting day! Today as the boys (Isaac and Levi) were eating a birthday breakfast, the girls decorated a poster that said "Happy Birthday Isaac!!". We put the new fourwheeler in front of the door to the garage according to our plan. When Isaac and Levi were done eating breakfast Mom gave the cue. All the girls ran into the garage and sat on the fourwheeler, holding the birthday sign. Mom said to Isaac, "I am so sorry to have you do a job on your birthday but I really need this garbage taken to the garage. Then she grabbed the video camera and followed him out. Right as he opened the door the girls yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISAAC!" And to his suprise, he saw the fourwheeler and jumped on, already knowing how to drive it. He flew around the yard and the kids have been on it all day. Even little Zoie would scream "fasher, fasher" as we were already going at almost full speed. What a fun birthday suprise!


Grandma said...

Sounds like you had a great Birthday, not every day you get a 4-wheeler!
Thanks for sharing the pictures with us!
Love you guys!

Becky said...



I call first dibs riding it when we get out there next! ;)

Erica said...

Way cool!!!!

Kari said...

Awesome! How Fun!!!!!!! Ilove you guys!

Marisa (not Kari)