Thursday, October 16, 2008

Amazing weekend!

Life has indeed been busy for all of us! Too busy to write about it! Please forgive. We did have the most amazing weekend though. We had been disappointed we couldn't head up to New Hampshire last weekend due to several schedule conflicts, but it ended up being one of the nicest weekends we've ever had here. I (CaMarie) felt for the first time like we settling into 'home'. Friday and Monday the children had off school. We attended chores then headed up to our new barn to set it up for the new arrivals. Emily and Anna and Mikela posted darling handmade and laminated chore charts and "tack room" signs. They put up a "gallery" in the tack room - darling horse posters they've saved for months for just such a purpose. The barn quickly became their second home. The horses arrived Saturday morning to (I must admit) heaven on earth. Lush green grass, warm, golden sunshine, lots of friends, and the most vibrant colors of autumn filling the mountainside (where our lot sits) behind them. It was among the most beautiful of days ever made, I am certain. The horses basked in it, and showed how comfortable they were in their new home by rolling in the grass, shaking and heaving big, happy sighs. We are SO GLAD to have them closer, relishing the 6 minute drive versus the 25 minute drive. The girls are SURE it will NEVER be hard to wake up at 6 a.m. to check on them and feed them each morning. Mike and I feel grateful that things have worked out as they have. We learned so much from both the barns the horses resided at this past year, and they themselves are vastly better, easy now to manage, than they were a year ago thanks to our mentors Shane, Kim, and Becky. We are more prepared for full responsibility - loving it so far! The girls took a trail ride Tuesday with little Dipity being led behind them. Mike and I could not resist and took our own little get away trail ride Wednesday for a picnic lunch together admist paradise - EXTRAORDINARY! We feel SOOOO BLESSED!!!!

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