Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Just a Quick Brag..I mean BLOG!!
I can't believe how fast everyone is growing! Look at how little Missy used to be! And look at Esther's hair!!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Concerts and Parties...
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Foster Filly!
Exciting news! We are "fostering" a little filly! It's a long story but the time came for Dippy to be weaned and it didn't go very well. We put her mommy and "aunt sadie" in the big pasture and her in the smaller one, but because horses are herd animals, she needed company and tried to get out. She got very sad and got a "boo-boo" from the fence. After weeks of planning what to do, we finally decided that the best way was to "rent" a filly her age from a rescue farm right down the road (that has lots of foals ready to be sold) so she could have a friend. Now we are fostering a gentle little "Cocoa" (named by grandma because of her rich color and markings). When she arrived she was a little ragged and scared, but after a little grooming and a couple walks with Anna, Emily,Mikela, and Dippy, she has became our friend. Now Cocoa and Dippy INSIST on being together in the same stall, sharing eachothers grain and hay, and being groomed side by side. They are definite best friends, and two little cuties. Little Dippy still nickers when she sees mommy, but loves having her new companion.
-Emily and Anna
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Christmas Is Coming!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Two unforgettable experiences: Baby and Broadway!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
The Most Fabulous Football Season
Clara and Her Playmates!
P.S. Each at six months: CLARA- crawling, standing, LOVES MOM, so darlingly shy (hides in mum's shoulder), delights in all the kids but cracks up at Zoie and Esther daily, still nursing, mimics sounds (especially horses), eats bread from her tray and loves human food NOT baby food (mmmm-mmmm-mmm's while she eats! SO cute!) FILLY- still leaps and plays, greets us without fear now, will lead behind mama with a halter and rope, stands for children when the halter is on, lets up pick up legs and pet all over, still nursing though wanders around independent when Belle leaves and nibbles grass and hay. PUPPY- playful and people-oriented, learning her limits! (which includes no sniping from the counter-top), graduated from kennel to puppy bed in the family room (still in kennell when family's gone), got herself a brand-new electric fence and collar and was a VERY quick learner, loves her new indoor-outdoor freedom, finally all potty trained (OH PHEW!) but still shreds paper now and then - ugh. Mom's still alive and kickin' and most days somewhat sane - WOW.
Happy Theme!
Back to School!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Amazing weekend!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Last night we had a sleepover with our friend Stephanie.We got lots of pictures so you can see how wild we are. Emily was so tired- but that meant more pranks! Anna and Steph broke out the traditional pillowfight after the ketchup. Stephanie kept the action going till 3 in the morning with off and on naps, finally getting to sleep while playing with our new phones. Poor little Missy was in the room we were sleeping in -so she's also sleep deprived this morning.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
3 New Phones!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Happy Birthday Isaac!
Isaac and his "long-lost twin" had their family birthday party yesterday. Levi's family came over and we we had a fun Bar-b-Que before going up to our lot to roast marshmallows. We had a fun night all together and afterward Isaac and Levi had slept at the lot in their tent. They also convinced us to leave the four-wheeler with them that night... uh-oh! Two 14-year old boys + a four-wheeler in the woods = NO GOOD!!!!! Oh, well, it's their birhtday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISAAC AND LEVI!!!!!